St. Paul Publishing Company logo 2024

Snow or no snow, you can always expect winter fun to arrive in late January with the annual St. Paul Winter Carnival. Dating to 1886, the Carnival is the…

For nearly three years, Dakota County social worker Rachel Dean has worked full time from her office in the South St. Paul Police…

A veteran of early childhood education has switched careers but is still holding true to her passion for education. In mid-November…

National School Choice Week is January 26-February 1. Looking for a new school for your student? Registration deadlines for the next school year are fast approaching, so now…

Discover what’s happening near you at area theaters, arenas, museums, galleries and other venues! All the quick details you need for this week’s events.

After years of study and planning, one of West St. Paul’s most dangerous intersections will finally be revamped in 2025. The infamous…

For more than half of the storied history of Minnesota’s capital city, the Optimist Club of St. Paul has been a beacon of light for people facing challenges…

Since 1909, thousands of brave men and women who have journeyed overseas to protect our country found support and…

Helping seniors stay sharp and social is the goal of Our New Home Elder Day Center, opening by February at the shopping plaza…

Break out your flannel shirts, wool jackets and chopper mittens because winter has returned and it’s time to go outside and enjoy it.

Rather than handing out cash to panhandlers at busy intersections, the City of St. Paul is…

Fresh, crunchy honeycomb and delectable craft chocolates are now just a short drive away, thanks to one of the West Side’s…

By next summer, about 24 cannabis businesses will be given the green light to open in St. Paul and sell recreational…

The Lab

Three entrepreneurs have joined forces to open a hub for events, relaxation and a wide variety of wellness treatments. The Flora…

Standing in a sea of glass at dawn following the fifth break-in of her business all within a…

When Bob Craft added his signature to a petition seven years ago calling for the closure of the former Stryker Market for illegal activity…

Find easy ways to get involved and make a meaningful difference in your community. Ranging from one-time events to extended…

People | History | Nature | Urban Explorer

Books from our writers and contributors

Reflections from the Riverfront

Reflections from
the Riverfront
Essays on Life in the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area

The Messenger
A poignant glimpse at heart wounds of WWII vets on both sides of the line.

Rites of Passage

The Rites of Passage
A young girl embarks on a journey to save the legacy of her people.

First Book of John

First Book of John
Tales of a Baby Boomer told with wit, humor and compassion.

Blue Yarn

Blue Yarn
A Memoir About Loss, Letting Go and What Happens Next


South St. Paul:
A Brief History
The story of the remarkable city’s revival to life.

Entre las diversas actividades y programas que componen la misión de la Cámara de Comercio Latina de Minnesota se cuenta el reconocimiento a los logros…

Existe un sin número de rituales de naturaleza secular y religiosa que han acompañado a la humanidad desde su comienzo. Con el paso…

Durante dos noches llenas de acción los fanáticos del rodeo en Minnesota podrán disfrutar plenamente del entretenimiento y…

El Carnaval de Invierno de San Pablo es una de las celebraciones cívicas más antiguas de los Estados Unidos. Cuando se realizó el primero…

El ayuntamiento de Mineápolis decretó la creación de distritos culturales como parte de su plan 2024, con base en los deseos de…

¿Está usted buscando una escuela nueva para su estudiante? La fecha límite para las inscripciones se están acercando…


La actriz y cantante Janely Rodríguez creció en la cálida Miami, en una familia cubana-guatemalteca en la que la música nunca faltaba, así que de manera…

dosis de arte

Recontextualización de objetos familiares. En 1962, el artista estadounidense Andy Warhol (1928-1987) produjo cien esculturas de…

Esta es la primera parte de una serie sobre los cambios que están ocurriendo en el Centro de Desarrollo Económico Latino. Esta entrevista ha sido ligeramente…

Si bien en los últimos años ha habido esfuerzos por crear palabras que describan mejor o sean más inclusivas en cuanto a las personas que no se identifican…

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