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Author: Jake Spitzack

  • West Side bodybuilder takes gold at 60

    (August 2023)Jake SpitzackStaff Writer the urge to compete. One day last year, Burt marked his calendar for the International Pro Elite (IPE) Pro North American contest, held this past May in Bloomington, and began to train in secret, rather than at his regular gym in West St. Paul. Twenty weeks of a strict regimen –… Read more

  • A must-do summertime experience

    A must-do summertime experience (August 2023)Tim SpitzackEditor What has five humps, stands 50 feet tall and is the color of a sun-kissed lemon? Since you glanced at the photo accompanying this article, you know the behemoth in question is the Giant Slide at the Minnesota State Fair, one of the most iconic attractions of the… Read more

  • The significance of the Armour Gates

    (July 2023)By Tim Spitzack It’s been 33 years since the wrecking ball tore into the long-vacated remains of the Armour & Co. meatpacking plant in South St. Paul. Swing after swing, the once 22-building complex that sprawled across 47 acres was reduced to a pile of rubble. When the dust settled, all that remained were… Read more

  • Time marches on: A look at the historic clocks at Union Depot

    (July 2023)Tim SpitzackEditor The two clocks in the Head House at Union Depot have marked the passage of time for a full century, each tick serving as a bridge between the past and the present. Since the depot first opened in 1923 the clocks have been prominently displayed between the stately marbled columns at opposite… Read more

  • Meet Treehouse Mary: An Octogenarian who lives among the birds and the squirrels

    Meet Treehouse Mary: An Octogenarian wholives among the birds and the squirrels (July 2023)Tim SpitzackEditor Mary Nelson was 75 years old the day she abruptly decided that the towering 60-foot-tall oak tree in her backyard needed a treehouse. The tree, she estimated, had been there long before her home was built in 1930. One day… Read more

  • An up-close look at our national mammal: the American bison

    (July 2023)Tim SpitzackEditor For the first time in nearly 150 years, American bison are once again roaming the prairie along the Mississippi river. Our nation’s national mammal was reintroduced to Spring Lake Park Reserve in northern Dakota County last fall and the 8-head herd has already expanded by 50% – four calves were born this… Read more

  • The history of Kaposia Days

    Tim SpitzackEditor The year was 1976 and communities across the country were busy planning celebrations to commemorate the nation’s bicentennial. Old Glory was flying everywhere, and patriotic messages filled business marquees from coast to coast. But here in South St. Paul, the mood was far from celebratory. Many residents were in a state of shock… Read more

  • Historical scavenger hunt at the Central Library

    Tim SpitzackEditor The next time you visit the George Latimer Central Library you should check out something other than a book, namely its exquisite architecture and the historical gems of the century-old building.The library was designed in the Italian Renaissance Revival style by architect Electus Litchfield in 1912-13, and its architectural features are readily apparent… Read more

  • Storm chaser: One woman’s fascination with the raw power of nature

    Storm chaser: One woman’s fascination with the raw power of nature

    Storm chaser: One woman’s fascinationwith the raw power of nature (May 2023)Tim SpitzackEditor When the calendar flips from April to May, Valarie Namen starts to get a bit antsy. It’s not from spring fever. No, it’s quite the opposite. She wants bad weather and is normally planning a trip to find it. For the past… Read more

  • ‘The Sap is Running’ Maple syruping: the true harbinger of spring

    (May 2023)Tim SpitzackEditor It’s Saturday, Mar. 25 and I’ve just come inside from tapping four large maple trees in my backyard.“Well?” asks my wife before I’ve even kicked off my slushy boots.“The sap is running,” I happily exclaim.“Really?” she replies, as if she doesn’t believe me. After a long winter that has dumped about 90… Read more