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Author: Jake Spitzack

  • Las Ciudades Gemelas destacan por sus parques

    Las Ciudades Gemelas destacan por sus parques Por Leonor Villasuso Rustad El que las ciudades tengan parques públicos no es solo por la cuestión de la estética, sino porque estos lugares benefician la salud física y mental de sus habitantes, promueven la convivencia entre vecinos y fortalecen a las comunidades al conectarlas socialmente. La organización… Read more

  • Reyes fue nombrada subdirectora del Equipo del Serviciode Seguridad y Justicia del condado Ramsey

    Reyes fue nombrada subdirectora del Equipo del Serviciode Seguridad y Justicia del condado Ramsey Por Leonor Villasuso Rustad La historia de Gloria Reyes se parece a la del astronauta José M. Hernández, el primer mexicoamericano en ir al espacio: los dos vienen de familias en las que los padres y madres eran trabajadores agrícolas migrantes… Read more

  • Casi la mitad de los latinos tiene casa propia

    Casi la mitad de los latinos tiene casa propia Por Leonor Villasuso Rustad La Asociación Nacional de Profesionales Inmobiliarios Hispanos (NAHREP por sus siglas en inglés) dio a conocer en fecha reciente su “Informe sobre la situación de la propiedad de vivienda entre los hispanos en 2023”, el cual fue elaborado por el grupo mencionado… Read more

  • El Taco Torro ahora en Midtown Global Market

    El Taco Torro ahora en Midtown Global Market El camino de camión a restaurante ha sido angustioso Por Leonor Villasuso Rustad Hay ocasiones en las que el término resiliencia se queda corto al describir la capacidad de adaptación de un ser vivo frente a una situación adversa, especialmente cuando parece ser una cadena de adversidades… Read more

  • City of South St. Paul and South St. Paul Public Schools adopt new core values

    City of South St. Paul and South St. Paul Public Schools adopt new core values Jake SpitzackStaff Writer The City of South St. Paul and South St. Paul Public Schools (SSPPS) recently adopted a set of core values that they’re encouraging all employees, students and residents to embrace for the betterment of the entire community.… Read more

  • New mural at Farmers Market

    New mural at Farmers Market In celebration of its 170th year of operation, the St. Paul Farmers Market at 290 5th St. E. has commissioned a mural from local wildlife artist Daniel Renn Pierce. It features a river flowing between two birch poles, with native animals enjoying their natural habitat. The artwork signifies St. Paul’s… Read more

  • Union Depot wants to be downtown’s gathering space

    Union Depot wants to be downtown’s gathering space Downtown’s public gathering spaces have been disappearingat an alarming rate, but Union Depot is on a fast trackto replace them as the epicenter of free fun. Tim SpitzackEditor In the past decade, scores of people have fled the suburbs and moved downtown for its entertainment venues, charming… Read more

  • Newest inductees to STA Hall of Fame

    Newest inductees to STA Hall of Fame St. Thomas Academy recently announced this year’s inductees for its Alumni Athletic Hall of Fame. The individuals will officially be inducted in September during the school’s Homecoming weekend. The inductees are: Thomas Perrault, class of 1964. Following high school, he went on to become a baseball conference champion… Read more

  • Local artist curates temporary exhibit at Science Museum

    Local artist curates temporary exhibit at Science Museum Jake SpitzackStaff Writer In years long past, master weavers spent entire afternoons in the shade using backstrap looms to meticulously weave colorful garments and other useful items for their communities. These days, that method of weaving is preserved by just a handful of people – stringing it… Read more

  • Stage is set for election season

    Stage is set for election season Jake SpitzackStaff Writer The stage is set for elections in the South St. Paul Voice distribution area. The state primary is August 13 and will narrow down the candidates for U.S. Senator, House of Representatives District 2 and South St. Paul mayor. The general election is November 5 and… Read more