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Author: Jake Spitzack

  • Housing trends remain worrisome for homebuyers

    Housing trends remain worrisome for homebuyers Jake SpitzackStaff Writer Recent data from the St. Paul Area Association of Realtors and the Minneapolis Area Association of Realtors shows the Twin Cities housing market is expected to remain competitive this year. Inventory levels have crept up to 2 months’ supply but a healthy market typically has 4-6… Read more

  • WSP leaders highlight key issues during annual address

    WSP leaders highlight key issues during annual address Jake SpitzackStaff Writer Economic development and public safety issues highlighted the West St. Paul State of the City address, held in mid-May. During the presentation, city leaders shed light on the following topics. A redevelopment plan for the 9.5-acre vacant property at 150 Thompson Ave. E., formerly… Read more

  • Improvements coming to a park near you

    Improvements coming to a park near you Jake SpitzackStaff Writer With summer in full swing, cities in the St. Paul Voice distribution area are hard at work improving many of their parks. Here’s what’s underway. St. Paul Harriet Island Regional Park – Work to revamp the play area at Harriet Island Regional Park is expected… Read more

  • ‘El amor en tiempos de odio’, Shakespeare nos visita

    ‘El amor en tiempos de odio’, Shakespeare nos visita Por Leonor Villasuso Rustad Temas atemporales como el amor, el poder, la esperanza y el libre albedrío que son parte del clásico “Romeo y Julieta”, originalmente escrito por William Shakespeare, son revisitados y reinterpretados a la luz de la experiencia latina, dando como resultado la obra… Read more

  • Nueva presidenta en Neighborhood House

    Nueva presidenta en Neighborhood House Por Jake Spitzack Janet Gracia, una líder con más de 30 años de experiencia en el sector sin fines de lucro, ha sido designada la nueva presidenta de Neighborhood House. De manera oficial tomará el timón el 5 de junio después de que Nancy Brady se jubile. Brady ocupó el… Read more

  • Summer Event Guide

    Summer Event Guide Now that we’re drawing closer to the sun, you can expect longer days, warm nights — and a boatload of events to keep you entertained all summer long. Events have returned full force across the city and our annual Summer Event Guide helps you navigate them all. Read on, then join the… Read more

  • Neighborhood House names new president

    Neighborhood House names new president Jake SpitzackStaff Writer Janet Gracia, a seasoned nonprofit leader with more than 30 years of experience, has been named the next president of Neighborhood House. She officially takes the helm June 5 following Nancy Brady’s retirement. Brady held the position for about 10 years. Founded in 1897 and located at… Read more

  • New e-bike rebate program begins soon

    New e-bike rebate program begins soon Jake SpitzackStaff Writer If you’ve been itching to purchase an electric bike but have been scared off by their high price, you’ll be pleased to learn that starting July 1 the State of Minnesota will offer a rebate program that covers 50-75% of the cost of qualifying electric bikes.… Read more

  • Nuevo bistró caribeño

    Nuevo bistró caribeño Por Jake Spitzack Inspirado en el tema de los piratas, el bistró caribeño “la pata de palo de Jackey” abrió sus puertas recientemente en donde antes estuvo el Hunan Garden en el 380 de la calle Cedar, y es propiedad de los dueños de Bullvino´s Churrascaria Brazilian Steakhouse en el centro de… Read more

  • Informe: Retos de los profesionistas latinos

    Informe: Retos de los profesionistas latinos Por Leonor Villasuso Rustad El grupo de reflexión global Coqual fue fundado en 2004 para realizar investigación profunda, liderazgo intelectual y soluciones con base en información para que las compañías superen las barreras que las poblaciones subrepresentadas en el centro laboral enfrentan. Para el estudio titulado “Más que un… Read more