Category: April 2024

  • Spring Art Crawl returns in April

    Jake SpitzackStaff Writer The St. Paul Spring Art Crawl will be in full bloom over three weekends – April 12-14, 19-21 and 26-28. You’ll find the works of more than 350 artists at 40 participating sites across 11 districts, and a handful of venues will feature food, music and other attractions. The Crawl always provides… Read more

  • A two wheeled odyssey: Local blogger is pedaling every block of every street in St. Paul

    A two wheeled odyssey: Local blogger ispedaling every block of every street in St. Paul (April 2024)Jake SpitzackStaff Writer Traversing St. Paul’s popular places, hidden gems and everything in between is Steven “Wolfie” Browender, a retired video production worker with a curious eye and self-imposed goal to bike every block of every street of the… Read more

  • Two Rivers boys volleyball names co-head coaches

    Two Rivers boys volleyball names co-head coaches (April 2024)Jake SpitzackStaff Writer Men’s volleyball has been a mainstay at colleges and even the Olympics for decades but for whatever reason the sport hasn’t graced high school gyms until recent years. At Two Rivers High School boys volleyball is catching on and is now beginning its second… Read more

  • Black Sheep to reopen under new ownership

    Black Sheep to reopen under new ownership (April 2024)Jake SpitzackStaff Writer The rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting down Southview Boulevard isn’t part of your imagination. No, it’s coming from Black Sheep Coffee, which closed last May but is slated to reopen in April under new ownership. In recent weeks the owner and manager… Read more

  • Saints return to newly upgraded CHS Field

    Saints return to newly upgraded CHS Field (April 2024)Jake SpitzackStaff Writer The crack of a baseball bat will once again echo through CHS Field, spurring rowdy crowds to their feet in a wave of cheers. The St. Paul Saints 2024 season kicks off with home games against the Columbus Clippers March 29-31. The first 2,000… Read more

  • Discovering St. Paul’s very own slot canyon

    Discovering St. Paul’s very own slot canyon (April 2024)Tim SpitzackEditor When residents rattle off the geographical amenities of Minnesota, you’ll hear them mention our 10,000 lakes, the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, Lake Superior and the Mississippi River. You might even hear some talk about caves, but rarely, if ever, will anyone say canyons. That’s because… Read more

  • La situación en la frontera con México, vista por latinos

    Por Leonor Villasuso Rustad El Pew Research Center realizó una encuesta del 16 al 21 de enero de este año para conocer la opinión de los adultos latinos respecto de la situación que se vive en la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México. Cerca de tres cuartas partes de los encuestados consideraron que hay una… Read more

  • Cuyún trae su arte a la pasarela aérea de San Pablo

    Por Leonor Villasuso Rustad Como el amor no conoce de fronteras, los padres de la artista plástica Zamara Cuyún se conocieron y enamoraron en Guatemala cuando ella, descendiente de europeos avecindados en Minnesota, fue a estudiar allá y vivió en la casa de huéspedes de la madre de él. Así fue como la familia Cuyún… Read more

  • Minnesota United designa nuevo director

    Por Leonor Villasuso Rustad El Club Minnesota United acaba de fichar a Eric Ramsay como su nuevo director técnico, luego de una exitosa carrera como entrenador asistente en el Manchester United, uno de los equipos más famosos de la Premier League de Inglaterra. Con este movimiento, Ramsay se ha convertido en el director técnico más… Read more

  • Exhibición artística ‘Afrofusión’ en CLUES

    Por Leonor Villasuso Rustad La galería de arte de la organización Comunidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio (CLUES) es la anfitriona de una nueva exposición del arte producido por un grupo de artistas plásticos, tanto emergentes como ya establecidos, de ascendencia cubana, mexicana, minesotana, peruana, puertorriqueña y tejana con una cosa en común: ser parte de… Read more