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Category: July 2024

  • Union Depot wants to be downtown’s gathering space

    Union Depot wants to be downtown’s gathering space Downtown’s public gathering spaces have been disappearingat an alarming rate, but Union Depot is on a fast trackto replace them as the epicenter of free fun. Tim SpitzackEditor In the past decade, scores of people have fled the suburbs and moved downtown for its entertainment venues, charming… Read more

  • Newest inductees to STA Hall of Fame

    Newest inductees to STA Hall of Fame St. Thomas Academy recently announced this year’s inductees for its Alumni Athletic Hall of Fame. The individuals will officially be inducted in September during the school’s Homecoming weekend. The inductees are: Thomas Perrault, class of 1964. Following high school, he went on to become a baseball conference champion… Read more

  • Local artist curates temporary exhibit at Science Museum

    Local artist curates temporary exhibit at Science Museum Jake SpitzackStaff Writer In years long past, master weavers spent entire afternoons in the shade using backstrap looms to meticulously weave colorful garments and other useful items for their communities. These days, that method of weaving is preserved by just a handful of people – stringing it… Read more

  • Stage is set for election season

    Stage is set for election season Jake SpitzackStaff Writer The stage is set for elections in the South St. Paul Voice distribution area. The state primary is August 13 and will narrow down the candidates for U.S. Senator, House of Representatives District 2 and South St. Paul mayor. The general election is November 5 and… Read more

  • Housing trends remain worrisome for homebuyers

    Housing trends remain worrisome for homebuyers Jake SpitzackStaff Writer Recent data from the St. Paul Area Association of Realtors and the Minneapolis Area Association of Realtors shows the Twin Cities housing market is expected to remain competitive this year. Inventory levels have crept up to 2 months’ supply but a healthy market typically has 4-6… Read more

  • WSP leaders highlight key issues during annual address

    WSP leaders highlight key issues during annual address Jake SpitzackStaff Writer Economic development and public safety issues highlighted the West St. Paul State of the City address, held in mid-May. During the presentation, city leaders shed light on the following topics. A redevelopment plan for the 9.5-acre vacant property at 150 Thompson Ave. E., formerly… Read more

  • Improvements coming to a park near you

    Improvements coming to a park near you Jake SpitzackStaff Writer With summer in full swing, cities in the St. Paul Voice distribution area are hard at work improving many of their parks. Here’s what’s underway. St. Paul Harriet Island Regional Park – Work to revamp the play area at Harriet Island Regional Park is expected… Read more