Cities to adopt budgets in early December

Jake Spitzack
Staff Writer

Budget meetings for cities in the St. Paul Voice distribution area will be held in early December. Here’s a brief recap of each preliminary budget.
The St. Paul City Council will hold its truth in taxation hearing at 6 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 5, and adopt its 2024 budget at its December 6 meeting. The preliminary budget is $820.5 million, which is $19.4 million more than 2023. The increase is primarily due to rising costs of wages and benefits due to inflation. If approved as is, the owner of a median valued home of $270,000 will actually pay $48 less than 2023 due to an increase in local government aid. For more information, visit and search “2024 budget.”
The West St. Paul City Council will adopt its 2024 city budget at its Dec. 11 meeting. The preliminary budget is $41.64 million, which includes increases associated with the general fund and capital projects. If approved as is, the owner of a median valued home of $303,350 will see an increase of $64.49 in taxes next year. For more information, visit and search “finance.”
The South St. Paul City Council will adopt its 2024 budget at its December 4 meeting. The preliminary budget is $25 million, a 7.51% increase from last year. The increase is attributed to the hiring of two new police officers, a support position that will assist with engineering and development services, and the rising costs of supplies, although revenue sources other than the levy are covering those increases. Therefore, if approved as-is, the owner of an average priced home should see little to no increase in their City property taxes for 2024.
The Mendota Heights City Council will adopt its 2024 city budget at its December 6 meeting. The preliminary budget is $19.59 million, a 5.85% increase from last year. The increase is attributed to a fire station roof repair project, and the rising costs of employee benefits and building inspection services. If approved as is, the owner of a median valued home of $527,000 will pay approximately $100 more in taxes next year. For more information, visit and search “budget.”

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