MnDOT releases new design
concept for Robert Street

  • Converting Robert Street to a three-lane road throughout the project area, with one traffic lane in each direction and a center turn lane.
  • Medians along Robert Street to improve safety by shortening pedestrian crossings and calming traffic speeds.
  • A two-way separated bike lane on the east side of Robert Street from Cesar Chavez Street to Kellogg Boulevard to make travel safer for both bicyclists and motorists. The St. Paul Bicycle Plan calls for a bike path on Robert Street.
  • Parking bays at select locations along the corridor. This preserves parking where it’s needed for access to housing and businesses, while calming traffic and improving visibility and green space.
  • A roundabout at Robert, State and Sidney streets to make it safer and easier for cars to turn left onto Robert Street and reduce speeding, making it easier for pedestrians to cross the street.
  • Deactivating and potentially removing the signal at Curtice Street and installing alternative pedestrian safety improvements. Traffic data shows the number of vehicles traveling through the intersection may not support a signal. Pedestrians often cross without waiting for the walk sign.

Public meetings
MNDOT is hosting meetings this fall for the public to learn more about the design and give feedback. Public meeting: Tuesday, Nov. 12, 4-6 p.m., at Villa del Sol Community Space, 88 Cesar Chavez St. A brief presentation will be given at 4:30 p.m.

More information and a video with a detailed look at the proposed design is available at For more information, contact MNDOT at 612-438-0377 or

Business meeting: Friday, Nov. 1, 8-9 a.m. and noon-1 p.m. at Girl Scouts River Valleys, 400 S. Robert St.