Volunteer opportunities December 2024
Big Brothers Big Sisters is looking for men, especially Latinos, to mentor boys ages 7-12 in St. Paul. To volunteer, call 651-789-2400 or visit www.bigstwincities.org.
Ramsey County Community Human Services has volunteer opportunities for people age 16 and older. For more information, contact 651-266-4090 or visit ramseycounty.us/your-government/volunteer.
Science Museum of Minnesota is seeking volunteers to assist with visitor services and exhibits. Apply at smm.org/volunteer or call 651-221-9453 for more information.
CommonBond Communities seeks volunteers to assist children and teens with their academic skills, homework and discovering post-secondary school and career opportunities. For more information, visit commonbond.org/volunteer or contact volunteerservices@commonbond.org or 651-291-1750.
Minnesota Reading, Math Corps is seeking tutors to serve in St. Paul public schools. For more information or to apply, visit visit readingandmath.org/locations/minnesota or contact 612-206-3030.
Rebuilding Together Twin Cities is looking for Safe at Home volunteers to provide home safety and accessibility modifications for low-income older adult or disabled homeowners in St. Paul and Dakota County. For more information, call 651-776-4273, email volunteerservices@rebuildingtogether-twincities.org or visit rtmn.org/get-involved/volunteers/.
Volunteers of America is looking for volunteers age 55 and over to assist children who are struggling with homework and reading. To volunteer or receive more information, contact 952-945-4400 or visit voamnwi.org.
Hospice of the Midwest is seeking caring, responsible volunteers to provide companionship visits to patients throughout the Twin Cities. Also seeking music providers, veterans, and pet therapy volunteers. Hours are flexible and training is provided. Contact Jen for more information: jennifer.emerson@hospiceofthemidwest.com
Cerenity Senior Care–Humboldt is seeking volunteers to work with seniors in assisted
living, memory care, transitional care, and nursing care. To volunteer, contact 651-220-1771, HumboldtVolunteer@bhshealth.org, or visit cerenityseniorcare.org/volunteer.
Neighborhood House in St. Paul is looking for volunteers to assist in the food shelf, with tutoring, youth services and other areas. For more information, call 651-789-2524 or visit neighborhoodhousemn.org/volunteer/.
DARTS, a nonprofit organization serving seniors in Dakota County, offers a variety of volunteer opportunities.
To volunteer, contact 651-234-2254, volunteer@darts1.org, or visit dartsconnects.org.
Dodge Nature Center, a nonprofit environmental education center in West St. Paul, is seeking volunteers to assist with community events, land management and environmental education. For more information, call 651-455-4531 or visitdodgenaturecenter.org.
Dakota County offers volunteer positions in community corrections, environmental resources, the Historical Society, library, parks, public health, the sheriff’s office and social services. For more information, call 651-438-4435 or visit co.dakota.mn.us and search “volunteer.”
Neighbors, Inc., a social service agency serving northern Dakota County, has a number of volunteer opportunities to assist local residents, including work with the food shelf and thrift store. For more information, call 651-455-5000 or visit neighborsmn.org.